Welcome to my web page!
I've decided to make this webpage an autobiography about myself and my life.
As time goes on, this website will become more organized and elaborate.
Hopefully, it won't be too hard to code. Let's get started! ^_^
Like what I said in class - and what the title says - I'm originally from the hot, hurricane bound state of Florida.
When I tell people I'm from there, most people assume (and/or hope) I say I'm from the following areas:
Though, despite how big the state was and how pretty Jacksonville can be, I didn't have the best childhood there.
But...I'll talk about that in my next iteration of this webpage.
If you want to learn more about Jacksonville and its destinations, check out it's webpage here.
And if you want to hear me rant about how Publix is the best supermarket ever made and how much I miss it, email me through my UWM email here.
For now though, as Truman said in his hit show,
If I don't see ya, good afternoon, good evening, and good night!